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Do I need to drive to the site for confirmation when applying for a temporary license plate? Can vehicles with temporary license plates drive on highways?

Views: 0     Author: Wondee Autoparts     Publish Time: 2024-05-16      Origin: Wondee Autoparts


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Regarding the issue of applying for a temporary license plate, those who have already bought a car know how to operate it, while many who have not bought a car are unclear. Someone has raised the question that if you buy a new car without a license plate, you will definitely not be able to drive without a license plate, and you must first apply for a temporary license plate. How can I drive my car to the vehicle management office if I want to apply for a temporary license plate? We can't risk driving without a license plate, can we? In reality, many people do this, buying a car and driving it straight home, then driving it to get a license plate the next day without applying for a temporary license plate. Of course, there are also many caught by traffic police, and 12 points will be deducted directly. So a new car must not be driven without a license plate. Being caught by traffic police is a small matter. In case of an accident on the way and the car lacks insurance, it may cause serious losses.

temporary license plate (1)

So how do I apply for a temporary license? In fact, applying for temporary license plates does not require driving the vehicle to the vehicle management office. You only need to bring the necessary documents to go there. Not only the vehicle management office can apply for temporary license plates, but many places such as traffic police teams and traffic management service stations can also apply. Generally speaking, there is no need for a long queue to handle temporary cards, and they can be completed in a short time. The required documents include ID card, purchase invoice, certificate of conformity, copy of compulsory traffic insurance, and their copies. The vehicle management office will keep the copies, and only take a glance at the original before giving them to us. The original documents must be kept well, and they will be used for the official license plate. It can be seen that obtaining a temporary license also requires purchasing compulsory traffic insurance first, otherwise it cannot be processed. After picking up the car, the first thing to do is to buy insurance, and then proceed with other business.

temporary license plate (2)

It is best to pick up the car in the morning. If you pick up the car in the afternoon and the vehicle management office is off work, you cannot issue a temporary license plate, and the car cannot be driven away. You can only leave it at the 4S store, and the next day, you can apply for a temporary license plate before driving, which can be quite troublesome. However, many 4S dealership staff now help car owners apply for temporary license plates, which may incur some fees, but the prices are not high, ranging from tens to hundreds of yuan, which can save car owners a lot of trouble. Larger 4S stores have stationed vehicle management offices and tax departments, and can obtain official licenses on the spot without the need for temporary licenses. Nowadays, many cities are also implementing the practice of displaying temporary license plates at 4S dealerships, so obtaining temporary license plates will become easier. Do not drive a car without a license plate on the road.

temporary license plate (3)

After obtaining the temporary license plate, it must be placed in the designated position of the vehicle, otherwise if caught by the traffic police, 12 points will be deducted. There are two temporary signs, one placed in the lower left or right corner of the front windshield, and the other placed in the lower left corner of the rear windshield. The function of a temporary license plate is the same as that of a formal license plate. Traffic violations can also be caught and points may be deducted and fined. So don't think that your car can be driven without a formal license plate and don't comply with traffic regulations.

temporary license plate (4)

Finally, is it possible to take the highway on the temporary license plate? You can take the highway, but one thing to note is that there are two types of temporary signs: one with a blue sky background and black lettering, which can only be driven within the local area; the other with a brown yellow background and black lettering, which can be used nationwide. If you are driving within the scope of this city, be sure to pay attention to the driving range when driving on the highway, and do not run out of this city. When driving to another city, it is difficult to use the temporary license plate, and the traffic police will also deduct points if caught. If you are buying a car from another city and want to drive back to your local area for registration after obtaining a temporary license plate, you must apply for a brown yellow background with black lettering, which can be used nationwide.

From: WONDEE Autoparts



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